Max’s School Cake Recipe

Cakes can be expensive, but it doesn’t cost much to make your own.  Here Max shares his school cake recipe – you know the cake that you used to get with your school dinners?  It’s a basic sponge cake covered with icing and sprinkles.  It doesn’t have to be round – most school cakes are tray bakes so you can make it in any shape tin.


180g butter (at room temperature so that it’s soft) or margarine

180g self-raising flour

180g caster sugar

3 eggs

40ml milk

3 teaspoons vanilla extract

400g icing sugar

90ml milk

Cake sprinkles


Heat your oven to 180C.

Put the caster sugar and softened butter in a bowl and mix with a spoon until it’s combined and fluffy.

Crack the three eggs (maybe do this into a separate bowl if you have one in case you get any bits of shell in there) and then add them to the bigger bowl.

Tip in the flour, two teaspoons of vanilla extract and 40ml milk.

Mix it all together – Max uses a whisk but if you don’t have one then a spoon will do.

Rub a bit of butter or margarine around the inside of your baking tin so that the cake won’t stick.

Pour and spoon your cake mix into the tin and spread it out.

Bake in the oven for 18 minutes.

Take the cake out of the oven and stick a knife into the top – if it comes out clean then it’s cooked, but if it comes out with cake mix on it then you need to put your cake back in the oven for a few more minutes.  It should be golden brown on top.

Leave your cake to cool for at least ten minutes.

In another bowl mix together the icing sugar, 90ml of milk, and the last teaspoon of vanilla extract.

When the cake is cool, slowly pour the icing over the top and then sprinkle with sprinkles.